You will heal <3

Hey everyone, just wanted to thank all those that post and contribute this to this subreddit. It has really helped me on my journey. I have been experiencing chronic back pain for the past 5 years (18yr-23yr) after a fall skateboarding with the last 2 years being dreadfully awful, stabbing pain every morning, depression, leaving work early countless times, ruining relationships to focus on my health. I have tried so many things, some work, some don't. It is a seemingly never ending battle and I am sorry to anyone who is experiencing it, we all understand your pain even though most of the people in your life likely do not.

I have learned that set backs are inevitable. The amount of times I have tweaked my back under the guidance of professional physical therapists is ridiculous. Do not lose hope, there is light at the end of the tunnel. If there is one thing we have 100% control of with little to no lifestyle consequences is diet. I am certain that 99% of people's pain here isn't caused by diet, but fixing my diet has really put me on the right track to heal myself. Low carbs, no red meat is what I do so foods like: chicken noodle soup, lentil soup, protein shakes, kefir, eggs, salmon, tuna, yams, brussel sprouts, chicken breast. Eating right has reduced my stomach and back inflammation, helped me lose weight(less pressure on spine) to compensate the lack of exercise, and given me back some of the energy I typically do not have due to the mental fuckery of back pain.

Anyways, hopefully this wasn't too ranty. If you're reading this I am rooting for you. You will heal <3