How many of you struggle with dyscalculia?

Until about 10 years ago, I legitimately thought I had some kind of IQ-related disorder that prevented me from being able to grasp even the simplest math and spatial-related concepts. Before I learned about dyscalculia, I felt idiotic. Broken. And my peers only confirmed my fears. In high school, one "friend" who had been charged with "tutoring" me to catch me up eventually exclaimed in frustration that she knew I was either just fucking with her or being lazy, because "no one is that stupid!" She told my teacher I was "being impossible on purpose" and refused to keep working with me.

Logically, I know that dyscalculia is more common in those on the spectrum. I'm not alone and it doesn’t intrinsically make me stupid or useless. However, realistically, I have met very few other people who seem to have floundered quite the same. So I am curious.

Who else here has struggled with dyscalculia? And how have you managed to navigate it in your everyday lives?

[[ETA: This wasn't an attempt to elicit sympathy or paint myself as a victim. I only intended to explain my experience. 🙃]]