Questions for AD creators

Apologies in advance if you’ve come across these sorts of questions beforehand and you’re tired of seeing them.

I personally would like to know all the different details that I don’t see asked frequently and some more specific questions for my own curiosity.

  1. First of all after writing your script what’s your next step? Do you find your cast or start with other things?

  2. Did you have a budget going into it? Or was it a hobby that got turned into something bigger?

  3. If you were not someone from a media background how did you get started with everything? —> did you find extra pair of hands to help with music/scores and audio engineering? —> if you had gotten help how did you find them?

  4. When did you start recording?

  5. Did you get your script seen by anybody?

  6. How nervous were you before taking the leap and create your wonderful stories that make many of us feel so many things

Please explain like Idk much about anything TT. Any answers are always appreciated and thank you so much in advance:)