Anyone is feeling anxious about another potential trump presidency?
The thought of him filling more Suprene Court seats with more far-right conservatives is fkn with me.
The blurring of the line between church and state is fkn with me.
The greasing of the wheels to slide the country into a fascist state is fkn with me.
Recognizing how many people can support this clearly incompetent man is fkn with me.
Knowing my children will have to deal with the repercussions of his actions for the majority of their lifetime is fkn with me.
The destabilizing of democratic governments globally as a result of trumps appeasement of dictator run, oligharcal governments, is fkn with me.
The further marginalization, castigation of the most vulnerable in our society, with trump and his christofascists, is fkn with me.
The polls showing that, piece of shit Putin, is a more respected individual than Zelensky is fkn with me.
This fact that trump believes climate change is some leftwing hoax and his christofascist minions look at earth as a place they can pillage without repercussions, is very much fkn with me.
How is everyone else feeling, in the US and abroad.