Quitting weed was the best decision of my life.
I haven’t smoked close to 4 months. Sometimes I miss it because it helped me relax in times of anxiety, but lately I’ve been keeping busy with hobbies to combat that. I got into needle felting which is pretty satisfying and I’ve started riding a bike which feels great. I can fall asleep no problem, sometimes I wake up at least once in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, then easily go back to sleep (I like to practice inducing lucid dreaming and astral projection so sometimes I’ll try keeping my mind awake and let my body fall asleep!) I get a ton of dreams now (I need to start journaling again!) and I feel really clear mentally. When I have to get up early, I don’t feel that dread anymore, I just kinda get up and go.
10 weeks- I’m still grateful in my decision. My anxiety has gone way down socially. I keep routines more like self care and regular meals.
Let me tell you, the mental clarity is great, and I can actually remember stuff, my paranoia is gone, and my motivation for life is back…
Also, the one thing I’ve been missing were my dreams.
Dreams used to be an obsession of mine when I was growing up all the way to college. (Then I got into smoking daily; luckily a vivid dream I had made me want to quit so I can have more like it)
Sure, weed was nice to escape reality, but when you’re doing it every single day after work or even hours before; at that point it’s ruining potential. At least in my opinion, to each their own.
I would have never realized how much not smoking could help me, it’s made me realize I probably will never date someone that smokes weed because I don’t want to get back into that mindset of escaping.
3 weeks in :
I don’t feel paranoid around police
I feel my eyes have the light back in them
I regularly take care of tasks around the house I would have previously walked by with my bong lol
I eat healthy
one month: I quit nicotine usage. I am now sober from my two worst habits.
7 Weeks + 2 days:
I have no urge to go back to weed, I feel content. I do get bored occasionally, but I have started getting back into reading again (which is AMAZING) I also doodle / draw or play video games as well when I have nothing to do. I feel super clear headed. My anxiety isn't as bad as it was when having to be in public since I don't have to worry about how people perceive me, and I usually would need to be high to go out in public. 10/10 would recommend sobriety.
Final Update: 10 months in all I typed is still relevant. One day I got pretty stressed and decided to get thc-A and see how weed would affect me after not using for so long. After a few weeks of smoking I quit cold turkey and haven’t looked back because this stuff will only be my downfall. Everyday I felt brain fog and paranoia when going out (pretty sure weed caused my psychosis a few years back) I would smoke all day every day (back before the psychosis) and my memory / mental health went to shit.
Do yourself a favor and stop smoking / don’t get into thc if you tend to overuse substances to feel better. I got into a cycle of always needing it, and it wasn’t good at all for my mental health. Go find something else to love like going outside or reading. Also when was the last time you remembered your dreams? (If chronic smoker) I will always be thankful that the dreams came back after quitting in July. My mind is clear. My eyes are so much brighter / white! I finally quit nicotine as well. Life is good.