The ideal Small Council (Spoilers Main)
We all know what the Small Council is.
There have been many competent members of the Small Council, and many incompetent ones.
Who would you pick for each role?
For me, this would be my Small Council:
Hand of the King - Prince Viserys II Targaryen, Rhaenyra's Son (I will always pick this guy. Could probably put him in every role and he would be great)
Master of Laws - Lyonel Strong
Master of Coin - Peter Baelish, Littlefinger (assuming he is loyal), or Lord Lyman Beesbury
Master of Ships - Lord Corlys Velaryon, the Sea Snake
Master of Wishperers - Ser Brynden Rivers, Bloodraven
Grand Maester - Maester Benifer (He was the Grand Maester that trated Aerea Targaryen. Probably saved King's Landing from becoming the Smoking Sea.)
Lord Commander of the King's Guard - Ser Duncan, the Tall.