is it homophobic to say that 'forcing people uninterested in LGBTQ to become LGBTQ allies, and calling them homophobic if they refuse, a terrible thing to do for not respecting people's freedom of speech'??
my post got taken down since i hadn't been clear with what i was talking about, and i may have misphrased a few things, so i'm reposting it this time with a more detailed question
this question is relative to a post that sparked an argument between me and the teenagers subreddit mods, including the orangecloud(?) guy, about whether the statement above was homophobic or not, and i really need to know if this statement really is homophobic because i just don't understand why i'm supposed to be a bad person for not becoming an LGBTQ ally(this doesn't mean that i hate LGBTQ, i just don't care honestly. be gay or whatever, it literally has nothing to do with me, and in the same way, i don't want anything to do with it)