Help on being with an aro/ace girlfriend
Hi! I apologize if this is not the right place to ask for this type of stuff, if not I would appreciate a lot if you could tell me where could be a better place to find my answers.
I'm an alloromantic male and I'm pretty sure my girlfriend is aro and asexual. This is a recent discovery we made and im not sure about what to do next.
So my gf has never been interested in doing romantic stuff, like no kissing, sex, cuddling. She also doesn't feel the need to say fluffy or sentimental things to me nor the need to spend a lot of time together like I do. For her, going on dates feel the same as going out with a friend.
I've been reading up on r/aromantic and other subs, and thought like she might fit the aro ace profile. We talked about it, and she agrees that it feels right for her. I'm trying to be cool with this, really get what she feels, and I’m willing to change my expectations to make her feel comfortable.
But here's the thing: she's super expressive about her feelings for her favorite celebs, like saying she loves them and stuff like that, but now I know she won't express that kind of affection toward me. And it's not that I feel insecure about her feelings for me, get jealous or anything like that, I know she loves me very much and wants to be with me, but it kind of stings to know that I might never get that kind of affection.
And for that reason, now I'm kind of stuck on knowing how to satisfy my needs for romantic stuff while still being with her, because I really do love her and don't want to be with anyone else, and at the same time I don't want to force her to do anything she doesn't feel like just because I want romantic stuff. That's why I'm here asking for guidance or advice on what could do I do to feel better in my relationship with my partner and not feel like it just a best-friend type of relationship.
Sorry if I’m not making much sense and it feels I'm just ranting or if I got something wrong. I just want to understand my girlfriend better and make sure our relationship works out.