Battle buddy is threatening domestic violence towards his GF, what do I do?
I’m in AIT and I’m roomed with a battle, and it’s safe to say this guy is either edgy, or dangerous.
He has been calling his girlfriend or baby momma and I’ve been eavesdropping. Yikes.
He’s telling her that he’s going to break into her house, pick her locks and force her to talk to him. He’s been talking about how he loves pain and wants her to respect him.
Talking about how he is going to hide his intentions and that he sly, and how he will be upfront with her however about how he wants the relationship to be.
This kid seems doomed, and I’m nervous for the girl, because I’m hearing her voice inflection through the phone and it’s just a mess!
He’s talking to her about how he’s going to boss her around, and speak the proper way to a woman to get her to behave, and I’m just speechless. Talking about how he knows how to shoot guns, how he did amazing in basic at quals, and how he’s not afraid to kill any future animals they have as pets.
Is there anything I can even do? I lock all my gear up so it can’t be stolen but this guy seems unstable.