Being BN staff is giving me killer anxiety.
I hate it so much dude. I’m a newly promoted E6, serving as a BN schools guy. At first I didn’t mind the job. I pretty much worked for myself, occasionally my OPS SGM would ask a few things of me, all was well.
But then schools started picking up hot and heavy; and it’s a fucking monstrous task to upkeep with and I legitimately take back every bad thing I’ve ever said as a Joe on the line when it came to what I thought was “BN schools fucking me over” all these years.
There’s so many suspense dates, packets, meetings. I’m ALWAYS dropping the fucking ball on something even when I try my damndest. I’ll either miss a packet, forget to send up names to a school to my brigade, or miss an email crucial to a certain school. On top of that, people come to me 24/7 asking me this and that, which is fine, but I always forget many of the things because I’m fucking overloaded. I get phone calls and texts CONSTANTLY even after duty hours to the point where I’m worrying about tomorrow immediately after work every day.
I’m trying to be a good schools NCO because people always get fucked over by schools and I do care about getting guys what they need or want, but man is way fucking harder than I ever realized. I’m always anxious at night if I fucked up bad enough that some 1SG or my CSM is gonna be at my throat over something I didn’t mean to fuck up.
Also, please realize that there’s s good chance your schools NCO isn’t fucking you purposefully just because your packet hasn’t made it up the chain or whatever the case may be……there’s so much to this job that I never even realized. My anxiety is so bad. I wake up constantly in the middle of the night thinking about my work load that I have coming up or making myself paranoid that I missed something crucial that’ll effect someone’s packet and cause me to get reamed. I already had bad anxiety before but this job over just one years time has FUCKED it up worse than ever.