idk how to title this, just read

sorry for grammatical errors, im spanish.

all of you remember when respawn, which i will call as ea just for abreviation, banned the posibility to CFG files execute others CFGs, making impossible the Neostrafe.cfg files and the superglide.cfg files to function correctly, right?

well, neostrafing with cfgs is impossible since then, but just the day after i discovered a way to do something similar to what superglides cfgs do, basicly, automatize everything with some binds (im not talking abt macros, thats a whole different story).

if i contact ea to report this to the apex team in exchange of a economical reward (50$ or less) would they give it or just say "thanks for the report"?

i know that EA is EA and if they can stole us they will, but i want to know.

now listen to this, if i report this, they dont give me anything and i tell the story, would i create a wave of hate directed to EA?