Hellsing or Castlevania First?
I know the shows aren’t related but they are both about vampires and I want to know which to watch first. They both sound interesting and are both about vampires, but I don’t know anything about the plot of castlevania. Already about like halfway into hellsing, but want to know which I should watch first because if the majority says castlevania then I will watch it and then rewatch hellsing to remember what it is about, since I’ll probably have been too focused on castlevania to remember it. I was told castlevania (the show) wasn’t good so a better question is SHOULD I watch it.. I do like the low quality 90s anime style but like if they mean the plot and/or characters are bad then tell me please. Yeah I said anime style but honestly castlevania and hellsing style kind of look the same in a way, but they’re still both unique and cool.