An episode of the show that genuinely made me uncomfortable
Dead serious. I've been fine with a lot in the show. The violence, the vomit, the risque jokes. I've been able to have it roll off me paying no mind and getting a chuckle out of me sometimes. But the episode Tapped Out genuinely made me uncomfortable. It's disturbing to think and it lingers on it. Steve is placeboed into thinking he needs the milk, and Francine is fine with it? It reminds me too much of those toxic boymom videos and the whole Oedipus stufd isn't subtle at all. I think American Dad is the better of Seth MacFarlane's shows, but this episode is awful and makes me question who on the writing team saw the concept and was like "Yup, send it!"
Dead serious. I've been fine with a lot in the show. The violence, the vomit, the risque jokes. I've been able to have it roll off me paying no mind and getting a chuckle out of me sometimes. But the episode Tapped Out genuinely made me uncomfortable. It's disturbing to think and it lingers on it. Steve is placeboed into thinking he needs the milk, and Francine is fine with it? It reminds me too much of those toxic boymom videos and the whole Oedipus stufd isn't subtle at all. I think American Dad is the better of Seth MacFarlane's shows, but this episode is awful and makes me question who on the writing team saw the concept and was like "Yup, send it!"