I'm exhausted of being invited to church (Rant!)
Today, my Uber driver handed me this. It should just be mildly annoying, but this is in fact the straw that broke the camel's back.
I used to work at a grocery store where I had random old ladies come up to me and talk. The conversation was genuinely pleasant, and it ended with them inviting me to church. I was new here at the time, so I decided to be polite and say I'd think about it. They came back every few days, their requests more frequent and stern. Until they just started ignoring me.
Then one time I had to go to the ER, where again this mother and daughter who were also waiting asked about me. And then they decided that it was a demon haunting me, called their pastor, and took me outside to pray for me. To which I was too dizzy, sick, lonely, sad, and exhausted to protest. Then gave me their number and address.
I don't believe that Christians are bad, but I won't lie that this absolutely has rubbed me in the worst way. When I first moved here, I was taken aback by how shy and introverted everyone seemed to be. I think I'm starting to understand why. If you know any Christians who do this, please refer them here. Please stop.