Medical assistant refused to mask when I requested it

Sorry but I need to rant. A couple of weeks ago I posted how great it was that the majority of people at the Sutter urgent care center in Berkeley, CA were masked, both staff and patients. Well today I was at the Sutter clinic in Orinda, CA and nobody was masked. What's even worse is that I had to argue with the medical assistant about masking. I politely asked her if she could wear a mask when she brought me to a room to take my vitals. She just said No, it's not mandated so I don't have to wear a mask. And I said ok, but I'm politely asking you to wear a mask and again she said no because she doesn't have to. She said to me that since I was wearing an n95 mask I was completely protected. So I told her that one way masking doesn't work as well. I explained to her that I have particular health vulnerabilities that can give me complications if I get viral infections. Again she refused to wear a mask and she said because wearing masks make her skin break out. I asked her if her skin would break out even after just a few minutes and she said yes. Well neither of us were budging so finally she asked me If I wanted another medical assistant to come who was willing to wear a mask and I said yes if that's okay. So she went out to look for someone else and during this time I looked at which counties have mask mandates. This clinic is in Contra Costa County which does have a mask mandate for healthcare facilities. So when she came back, she was finally wearing an n95 mask because she couldn't find anybody else and I showed her the article where it said that Contra Costa county requires all healthcare facility staff to wear masks to which she answered, "Well they're not making us so I don't have to." And then she said that she was just going to take my vitals real quick (because she had a mask). Then she told me that if I needed staff to wear masks that I need to put that in my chart. I told her I don't know how to put that in my chart. When I asked her how, she didn't give me an answer. So I asked her if I needed to go to the front desk and ask them to put it in my chart? She said no and then emphasized that even the front desk people don't have to wear masks. At least the doctor came in wearing in an 95 mask. So I was so pissed from the interaction with the MA that I called Sutter Health to complain. The representative was very nice and told me he was sorry I had that experience and that was not good how the MA talked to me, but then he told me he had his own opinions about mask mandates. He said that he would put a mask on if people asked him to, but mask and vaccine mandates are tyranny. He was very nice while saying this to me, but I almost replied, "Yeah it's tyranny just like seat belts and the laws against drunk driving, but I held my tongue because I didn't want to get into another unpleasant interaction.