i just wanna talk about my cycle 😭

so i'm 16. i just started my period a few days ago. my cycle lasts about 40-50 days. its nice to not have my period very often, but maaannn when i get it it hits. for the first two days, my body entire body aches. i'm tossing and turning in bed for hours at a time, crying and screaming cause it just hurts so much. once i'm able to walk again, i immediately throw up. it's ALWAYS this bad. and the only medicine that helps is aleve (plus some prescribed nausea medicine). if i'm even a little bit late taking it, i'm suffering through the same shit.

one time, i didnt get my period for almost two years after some hormone therapy. i've tried different birth controls, i've been examined, but the doctors just say that it's just irregular. that was years ago. i'm gonna probably go and see a doctor again soon. this period and my last period have been soo extremely bad. i almost went to the hospital, but i ended up not going because i finally threw up after a long ass time. my mom thinks i have endometriosis because she had it before her hysterectomy. i think its cysts because of the same reason. but i'll be alright, i guess. i have good friends who take care of me when i need them. having someone with me (or even otp with me) makes the pain go by faster 😁