My date cancelled on me after I got ready

We’ve been texting since the very beginning of December and we’ve talked about everything under the sun, we became very close despite the distance. He’s been begging to meet but I was out of the country until 10 days ago, and we started planning it then. We were supposed to go out today, but yesterday he was barely engaging in the planning, I wanted him to pick a place because I don’t know of any good ones and he wouldn’t pick one.

Today I got up early and spent hours getting ready. I put so much effort into my makeup only for him to finally get back to me at almost 3 in the afternoon to say that he was up all night, took a sleeping pill in the morning and slept until just then. And then he cancelled on me.

I asked him why he stayed up all night when he knew we had planned to meet, and why he didn’t give me a heads up in the morning since he was still awake just an hour before he knows I get up, but he just gave bad excuses. If he had warned me then, I wouldn’t have wasted my time, energy AND my makeup. I’m so frustrated, he’s 30 years old and can’t be responsible enough to actually prepare for a date and stick to it? He’s literally 10 years older than me but I feel like he’s not mature enough. I hate when people do shit like this. I’m in such a bad mood and don’t want to make new plans with him because I don’t want the same thing to happen again.