Going insane trying to figure everything out
Hi everyone, just a post to vent because I'm feeling bummed out and frustrated. There is a chance I have UC or Crohn's disease (judging from the ER doctor's diagnosis) but I just heard from my GP and she says IBD doesn't cause bleeding and that my bleeding is most likely due to internal hemorrhoids.
Now, that sounds entirely incorrect to me. As in, IBDs DO cause bleeding in people. I managed to get her to prescribe me a referral to a GI but I feel frustrated that this is not being taken seriously. Either way, I will absolutely look into this, it's been years of me going back and forth with GI issues and not finding a cause. I'm afraid things have just gotten worse and harder to treat.
I know symptoms can be similar between IBDs but these are mine: 1. Bleeding (the bleeding started a few nights ago, I had intense colicky pain with constipation which then turned into diarrhea. I first suspected the bleeding could've been because I strained, but it still happens, so I'm not sure. I got scared and went to the ER. Also it doesn't happen during every bowel movement, it's kind of random and bright red.) 2. Feeling like I need to poop mid-meal/after every meal 3. Nausea 4. Fatigue/sleepiness/no energy to do anything 5. Abdomen discomfort that comes and goes 6. Brain fog 7. Alternating between constipation and diarrhea 8. Stools look different almost every time or look normal only a few days a month (shall I mention I also have painful periods with it?)
And as I said, every once in a while I wake up at night with really bad cramps and only something warm will soften the stool and give me diarrhea, which soothes everything until next time it happens. This also happens when I eat certain foods as I have an histamine intolerance.
Can anyone please share some words of help and comfort? I don't know how to navigate through all of this and I'm scared. Thanks! I know sharing personal experiences isn't always easy.