Ok don’t destroy me..

I was diagnosed with moderate/severe UC, spotty areas- one area on right colon, one area on left colon and proctitis. I was having 15-20 bm a day. I had my colonoscopy they confirmed UC.

They suggested doing steroids and mesalamine oral and rectal…

After my colonoscopy I was going 4x a day MAX. I’ve only been on mesalamine for like 4 days but I’m already pooping 80-90% normal and my pain has significantly gone down proctitis wise. (I never had any other pain)

I’m also working with natural practitioner and taking supplements to help my body during this time/in a flare.

The problem is… I didn’t start the steroids. I literally just had this “gut feeling” to try mesalamine first and if I didn’t get any better then do steroids.

Has anyone had a big relief from mesalamine and not have to do steroids? I’m not near perfect I don’t expect my flare to go away immediately but like why would I start steroids and risk the side effects (I was on steroids in 2023 for 10 weeks due to a pregnancy related issue).

Orrrrr am I being a dumbass and should take all the meds? My doctor literally didn’t give me much direction- he just told me I can choose what I want to do. (I’m gonna find a new doctor)