PTSD from UC
Do any of you guys feel like UC traumatized you mentally to the point where it’s possibly actual PTSD? I have nightmares about UC and just scary health stuff (especially now that I’m in a flare, but even when i was in remission for years I still had this). Triggers such as songs that I listen to in a flare that I physically cannot even think about in remission, as they make me physically sick. I get random flashbacks of my disease. I get panic and anxiety attacks about it. (Anything health related can give me a panic attack honestly.) certain things that happened during my many stays at the hospitals trigger me too. I feel super jumpy and scared of everything. I feel like my nervous system is literally stuck in fight of flight and cannot get out of it no matter how much I try to relax, meditate and etc.
Have any of you experienced this? If so, how do you cope?