IBD know it alls.. without IBD.

How do you deal with an overbearing parent who thinks they're right and you're wrong about your disease?

Bit of a ramble underneath.. TLDR. I think I'm flaring and my mum thinks she knows more than me about how this disease works and makes me feel stupid.

I've (19F) just had a tiring argument with my mum over my health. I've seemingly gotten into a flare and have been horrible for the past week... Maybe month? I don't remember the last time I've actually felt properly good but the diarrhea has been horrible and I've shat alot of blood in the past while. I've gone to see my GI 2 days ago but it seems like my bloods (high lymphocytes, eosinophils, basophils), bad pain and blood in stool didn't worry him and he sent me on my way with no prescribed medication.

My mum just keeps telling me it's my fault I'm not well because I don't have a strict diet 100% of the time and that I don't take the probiotics she got me and if I did I wouldn't be flaring, and that if I did all that now my flare would go away.

Im trying to explain to her that it doesn't go away just like that but she insists she's seen an article of a man with UC who had horrible symptoms and no medication worked for him, so he stopped all treatment and just started eating differently and its like his UC poofed out of existence.

I'm just so tired and upset having someone invalidate any piece of information I know /have experienced / have researched because she's seen something that contradicts it and believes she's right. She doesn't fail to upset me by telling me that I'm not trying hard enough and that I "know nothing" and "don't put in effort" to fix myself.

Then she gives out that I'm so emotional because cry throughout our argument. It's so difficult to stay calm when I'm made out to look like a fool.

Thank you if you've read all this, I feel a little bit better after writing all this out. I also apologise if some parts don't make sense, I'm still a bit shaken up and upset.