countries that could colonize america.

i have been saying for quite some time now that america is going to be recolonized by the end of the decade. most people on this sub have called me crazy. however, we're already starting to see the gears for recolonization being put into motion. the other countries of the world are starting to turn on america. they're realizing that america is not their friend and that america's presence in the world is doing more harm to good. not to mention, most americans have turned against america and are actively rooting for countries that oppose us.

at this point, it's not a question of IF america will be recolonized. it's a question of which country is going to do it. and here are a few choices that i think would be great.

ENGLAND: you can't have a conversation about countries that should take over america without even mentioning america's rightful owner. even though america has long since declared independence from england, i personally still view america as english property. well, this is the perfect chance for it to be made official. under british rule, life in america would significantly improve. we'd have access to government subsidized healthcare, we'd have stricter gun control laws, we'd have the hate speech laws that we are in desperate need of.

CANADA: wouldn't it be delightfully ironic if, instead of america buying canada, it was the other way around? in my opinion, since canada is directly above america, it makes perfect sense for america to become a Canadian province. under canadian leadership, we would have government subsidized healthcare, strict gun control laws, and hate speech laws. not to mention we would be under the leadership of justin trudeau, the greatest leader currently living.

CHINA: what an attractive choice. under chinese leadership, we wouldn't have to worry about elections or capitalism because both would be eliminated. we would also have access to the second best economy of any country in the world, the third best military of any country in the world, the best job market for any country in the world. not to mention, the infrastructure.

UKRAINE: in my opinion, there's only one vladimir who should be in charge of america and that vladimir is named zelensky. although i said that justin trudeau is the greatest leader in the world today, zelensky comes at a close second. as i am typing this, he is currently on the frontlines leading his country through a war. he is competent and brave. not to mention, under ukraine's leadership, we would have access to one of the best education systems in the world. also, wouldn't it just be delightfully poetic if america were to be taken over by the very nation that it refused aid to?

GERMANY: during world war 2, germany tried to take over the world. well, germany has changed quite a bit since world war 2 and now, the world is in a state where germany taking over the world would actually be a great idea. and i think the best place to start would be america. if americans became germans, they would have access to government subsidized healthcare in addition to a lower cost of living and an overall good quality of life.