China is Winning Because Their NYE is in February
OK hear me out.
Americans have their new year's at one of the literally darkest points in the year. We're expected into usher in the new year on a day that's like the 10th darkest and we'll go literally 340 days before it's as dark as it was again. This is the environment that we make promises to ourselves to be better or set goals for ourselves. But we're predestined towards failure because our bodies are more focused on sleep than anything that high level.
Meanwhile China has their NYE about a month after ours - significantly increasing the daylight they have when making resolutions for the new year. Not to mention whereas we have to literally weather 2 months of awful winter grey while maintaining our resolution they only need to maintain it for a month before they are revitalized by the start of spring.
And I don't want to even get started on how Daylight Savings Time affects all of this but spoiler alert - it's not favorable for Americans.