Boss at work possibly replacing me over a Tourette's episode

So about a month ago my shifts at work suddenly got cut by 12+ hours a week, as the manager had randomly hired two new people out of the blue. For context the shop i work in has always only had 4 employees at one time, 2 management, one casual (my role) and one junior. It turns out my shifts are possibly going to new people because i had one tourette's episode and had to go home 4 hours into my 6 hour shift ONE TIME and instead of talking to me about it to understand better, my manager decided to borderline fire me and replace me with new people because i have "problems."

I have already had numerous amounts of conversations with her about my condition and she was well aware i have it. It has never affected my work outside of that one episode, and when it starts acting up i take a 5 minute breather to get it to calm back down before continuing my work.

One of the new employees told my friend's mutual friend that he got the job because "my coworker (my name) has problems and had to take days off so thats why they gave her shifts to me and the other girl" So my friend's friend told her what the guy said about me and obviously someone (either my manager or the. 2ic) has said something. How else would he know i had to take half a day off after having one single tourettes episode after 6 months of working there.

I am absolutely appalled. I know i am a casual and my shifts can be changed around at any time for any reason, but for having a Tourettes episode one time?? Surely that is at least somewhat morally wrong. I feel almost discriminated against which surprisingly i have never felt this way before, generally everyone has been so kind and understanding growing up with tourettes and i just can't help but feel so shocked and upset. This could just be my privilege showing though.