I think my stitches are trying to alien me.

It feels like a small, sturdy alien is trying to use my sternum as a launch pad to escape my body.

I have to assume it’s the knot at the end of the stitches in my incision. I’d describe the pain as friction burn mixed with a bone bruise.

I wish i could photograph it in a way that shows the ridiculous right-angled protrusion well. Any pressure on it (like maybe an ace wrap around it, maybe even another binder on top of that?) makes it both sting and ache. so multi talented. Last night it got bad enough i had to break out some of my leftover oxycodone.

anyway, i’m guessing this is a normal thing that could happen, but i figured i’d ask here just in case.

has anyone dealt with this? am i correct in assuming there’s nothing my doctor could do about it? Also i guess should i let her know about it anyway? It’s only become a notable problem in the last 3 days.


16 day post op DI w FNG at mount Sinai beth israel in NYC. Dr. Zoghbi.


do you guys think i’m wearing the wrap/binder too tight? based off of the red wrinkle marks i have when i take it off