weird symptoms please tell me i’m overthinking

i’m having some weird symptoms and i think every “symptom” i’m having relates to pregnancy. two nights ago i woke up to use the bathroom and felt like i was hot and cold at the same time like i know how my skin feels when I have a fever. I took my temperature and it was normal so i went back to bed but still felt really hot under the blanket and really cold out of the blanket. eventually i went back to sleep and woke up with my whole back sweating. i feel fine otherwise! last night the same thing happened again so i genuinely don’t know what is wrong with me. i just feel “off” and people who have been pregnant say they just feel off and then they’re pregnant. it’s worth it to know i am on birth control (pill) and i take it everyday on time and me and my partner use condoms and pullout everytime but I still get really anxious. i haven’t taken a test for a couple months trying to get over this anxiety and i think i had a normal last withdrawal bleed but still idk what is going on with me