More events
As I was standing under the shower wondering why the rat that is storm weaver exists, an idea struck me.
Everyone knows the new achievement that requires you to clear all world evil, and everyone hates it. It's grindy, tedious, and extremely boring. Well I have an idea to spice it up a little. Two new events.
The idea I have goes like this: as a player trying to clear out the crimson for the achievement, groaning as you see another patch you missed along the surface, you notice something. A pulsating red tumor, connected to what seem like veins going in all directions. You decide to break it to see what it does, but as soon as you try, a ribcage curls around it, protecting it, a wave bar appears on the bottom right side of your screen, and a message appears- "Your skin crawls as the fleshlike land screams in anger"
(Corruption would have a similar counterpart)
Basically, the Crimson or Corruption would infinitely spread from these tumors, and the only way to clear the world evil, is to destroy them. But the only way to do that, would be to fight through the waves of Crimson and Corruption enemies that would follow. It would start with prehardmode enemies, and move onto hardmode enemies a couple waves in. As it progresses, new enemies tailor-made to the event would begin to spawn. Horrific entities made specifically to protect the tumors. As it progresses, you would fight the bosses like eater or brain, and add new more intense mini bosses. As the waves near a close, the two final bosses would spawn, being the final guardians of the tumors, letting the tumors become vulnerable afterwards.
This would not only add more to the Crimson and Corruption in the later stages of the game, it would also make players more likely to take on the endeavor of clearing out the world evil. Another added bonus, and a draw for players to do so, would be all the loot dropped from the new enemies, minibosses, and bosses.
Maybe I'm the only one bored by this achievement, and am just crazy. But you can atleast admit that another event, and an expansion on the Crimson or Corruption would be interesting and fun!
Before you say anything, no. I don't believe the hallow needs one. I believe the hallow is actually pretty good late game with empress and queen slime, and clearing out the hallow is satisfying for me. And I typed this out as soon as I got out of the shower, so it's not fully fleshed out. So if you have any ideas to improve this, please share.