Want to get out of porn addiction? Follow this.
So yeah..horny teenagers addicted to porn. I was one too. Actually getting out of porn is really fucking simple..I came across a video once and I used it's method and now I don't even think about porn.
The video's step is as follows.
1) Assess that you're addicted. Most of y'all already know you're addicted and want to recover. It's a good thing. 2) cut off trigger. What triggers you to be horny? Instagram? Google? YouTube? Your fucking bed? Avoid it. Try to avoid it as much as possible. 3) tell to yourself "i did not masturbate today" even if you did 10 times. It doesn't matter. Tell yourself I didn't jack off today..this creates a tonality that you didn't jack off even if you did. Fake it till you make it. 4) Make yourself tired and distracted. Since I'm in school. I study. And I do gym for 2 hours. And I also love this girl badly (one side cooked). From all this shit..I'm both physically and mentally tired at the end of the day..tire yourself throughout the day.
This all worked. Personally I went from jacking off 2x a day to 1x a day to 3x per week to not even thinking about this..I hope this helps. And if your addiction is too severe , you can seek professional help..nothing wrong with it. Online or offline
And those who got out of this addiction. Tell your method also. People will say masturbation is good and all. But when you're addicted..it's worst. You don't even like to live.