The Generation of Danger Analysis Final Part
Song 13: How Long?
After blowing up the lab with his boss burning to death, Dicker runs from the police, contemplating to himself on how long he’ll be able to free himself and if he can believe in humanity again. He thinks to himself about how all of his victims might’ve suffered for nothing now that his chase for recognition is nearing it’s end. For so long, Dicker has always been arrogant to the point where he thinks he has the right to judge other people for their faults when he is just as flawed as the rest of them, so as he runs he thinks about how all of this could’ve been avoided if he had just reflected on himself to see how he could improve instead of resorting to such extreme measures to be recognized. Had he not been so arrogant, he might’ve gotten recognition as a scientist. Now, he runs away remembering everything that led up to this point, from his first to last victims until he’s eventually shot to death by the police, thus ending the story of Dicker Addison.
My interpretation of the themes and messages of the story:
The story’s main themes are the chase for recognition and the judgement of others. Throughout the story, Dicker had been kidnapping several of his colleagues so he can turn them into animal human hybrids via vivisection in his laboratory all because he was fed up with having credit stolen from his inventions every time they get an award, so he puts most of them out into the world so everyone could recognize him as a genius. However, not a lot of people like what he did to them as they see him as nothing but the monster who murdered his first victim. Later on, he decided to kill the rest of them, no longer wanting recognition for being a genius and instead as a murderer that wants to show people that they’re all worthless animals that need to be slaughtered. As you listen to the story, it makes you ask yourself, “Is it really worth it to go to such extreme lengths to be recognized?”
With the theme of the judgement of others, Dicker turns his victims into each different type of animal that he sees them as due to him associating their personalities with those animals. While performers the vivisections, he judges them for their faults, yet he doesn’t even judge himself for his faults to see how he’s better than them. So, after this, what are the messages for the story. One of them would have to be, if you want recognition, never take it too far to the point where people are getting hurt, otherwise you’ll end up ruining your life and regretting it. The other one most importantly would have to be that before you judge others for their faults and shitty behavior, look at yourself first to see how you are any better.
Thank you all for reading.