All Evidence Pertaining to THPS4 Career
Part One: Kotaku
Before anyone mentions the Kotaku article, more evidence is needed to back up the claims of the author. They provide zero sources, screenshots, or even quotes to suggest that Kotaku actually were in communication with Activision and therefore this article should not be used as a source and should be taken with a grain of salt, especially since other 'stories' written by the same author delve into the realm of opinion rather than fact. Feel free to check this yourself. Kotaku has been known to spread misinformation in the past. So for those of you that have completely shut themselves out from buying the upcoming remake, don't take everything you see at face value.
Part Two: Steam and PSN blurbs
As many of you are aware, the THPS website describes the game having "Streamlined goals in the epic 2 minute format". As alarming as this may be, the Steam and PSN versions of this same description include the word (and) in place of (in);
"Streamlined goals AND the epic 2 minute format". This is significant as one could imagine Activision had the website description ready to go weeks or even months in advance, so adding the game to any other storefront would imply a simple copy and paste job of the premade description to said storefront, which for the most part is what they did. However, it seems odd that they would feel the need to change ONE word whilst migrating the description to other services, and therefore I think this was an important distinction intentionally corrected by an editor to suggest but still keep Tony 4 career ambiguous.
Part Three: Why? Why keep us in the dark?
Like most multi million dollar corporations, Activision is no stranger when it comes to strategic marketing, or lack thereof, and understands that no publicity is bad publicity. By remaining silent, this encourages grifters (like Kotaku) and other people reporting on the Tony 4 "news" to keep circulating interest about their upcoming release, in hopes to create as much media attention and anticipation as possible. What will most likely happen is that when the game releases and DOES have a thps4 career mode (or alternatively if it's shown in another trailer), everyone on the internet (and this subreddit) will immediately change their tone about this remake and in turn about Activision as a company. All of us being conditioned to believe that the game is "too difficult to make today" or "too politically incorrect", then to be met with exactly what we were told was impossible will drastically improve public opinion on THPS, and Activision, and will most definitely explode into ANOTHER media frenzy just as the game is about to release. (Or possibly around the Foundry demo).
Part Four: Trailer 1
During the initial reveal of the game we are immediately shown the "skitch the professor's car" goal in THPS4 career mode. It seems that this is indeed the professor's car as its appearance suggests it to be a high end vehicle, not on the same level as other background cars just driving around the level (seen later in trailer in thps3 LA for comparison). For those who aren't aware, this mission is initiated by talking to an npc, and features a lengthy ride throughout the ENTIRE level of College. The 'entirety' of this goal is significant as many other goals, such as the "Spine Transfer the Floats" goal, would be impossible if not for both being able to be activated separately from one another, not simultaneously, this would be impossible. The float goal is seen in a promotional screenshot and therefore it is likely a telling indicator of THPS4 career's existence. Many have said "maybe the skitching goal was removed", but I question the logic behind that sentiment. Skitching is only utilised a handful of times in Tony 4, usually always within goals. And all of these goals that utilise the mechanic, all interrupt at least ONE other goal during their pathing (see: Alcatraz, London, etc). Skitching is barely ever used in combos, and is made redundant by the space walk if argued to pick up speed in a manual. If these level breaking goals have indeed been removed from the game, they most likely would not have added skitching all together. Additionally, the absence of NPCs in the trailer (particularly in College) can be chalked up to either performance, strategic exclusion, or to make the level look more visually appealing for the trailer. This is corroborated by third party promotional material which shows foundry (also seen in the initial trailer AND deluxe edition trailer without npcs) featuring NPCS.
Part Five: Third party promotional material.
Tidbits of gameplay, screenshots, and levels have been sparsely distributed throughout many different gaming outlets online. The THPS3 specific information is irrelevant. In these tidbits there is even more evidence to suggest NPC driven goals in the THPS4 tour. Seen in these press releases are; the previously mentioned College goal "Spine Transfer the Floats", San Francisco gameplay (this will be important), and screenshots from SF that feature goal-activated-only competition geometry and the traffic cones seen in Koston’s manual goal on the catwalk. The gameplay is what's most intriguing here as all other gameplay shown (mostly of thps3) has the HUD disabled, but in this clip, it is visibly turned on. However, the clip is incredibly cropped and visibility of the surrounding environment is extremely limited, not to mention the player is skating in an area with no npcs in sight. My hypothesis is that since the HUD was enabled during gameplay, arrows or potential goal indicators over NPC's heads were visible in frame, and Iron Galaxy were told to crop it out before they were ready to distribute to publishers. It is also possible that this cropping is to omit the presence or lack thereof of a 2 minute timer.
Part Six: Water Park level
Since we can safely assume that Chicago, seen in THPS4 and Matt Hoffmann's Pro BMX, will not be making a return, it is incredibly likely that Water Park is intended to be a THPS4 specific level and its replacement. This is corroborated by the existence of npcs in the level, shown during more third party promotional gameplay. The npcs that feature in this clip are standing around aimlessly, not skating, not walking, nothing at all. Now since this is a supposed THPS4 map, and there are NPCs standing around, and the hud is DISABLED this time, we can safely assume they are waiting to give the player a goal.
- Whilst I am aware that non-goal npcs (particularly in the original THPS3 but also some in THPS4) were USUALLY stationary if not to serve a purpose during gameplay (see original Tony 3 LA spectator bonus npcs), additional third party material showcases LA featuring NPCs actually walking around, and since this is THPS3 and one would assume if it could be pulled off they'd do it in Tony 4 as well, it's safe to assume that any stationary npc that appears in the remake from here on out is a goal NPC unless explicitly said otherwise.
Part Seven: More evidence for the Free Roam format
In more third party promotional screenshots, cash icons, seen in THPS 4, are visible as pickups in College. This is significant as THPS 1+2 removed cash icons from the remakes of those games, so their existence in 3+4 (the latter of which featured in a much higher and densely populated scale) seems to suggest the free roam mission format is indeed in the game. Many of the cash icons in college are in extremely difficult hard to reach locations (for most casual players), and there are quite a lot of them (around at least 25 if my memory serves me well). To expect a player to collect ALL, or most, of these cash icons within a 2 minute timer format is absurd, even with multiple runs this would take way too long and feel much too cumbersome. This problem would also be exacerbated by the fact that as the game progresses, the amount of cash icons increases with each level. Therefore it's safe to assume this is indicative of the free roam format.
Part Eight: Conclusion
I hope all the evidence gathered here in one place is sufficient enough to put all this newfound negativity and confusion to rest until the game comes out. Even if Tony 4 career is missing, I'm sure the game will still be amazing nonetheless, if you love Pro Skater you should continue to support the sales of this series. If not for Activision, for the developers at VV and Iron Galaxy, whose careers, and livelihoods have been and are directly influenced by the remakes performance. If this game flops, we may never get Underground and Thaw, and I'm sure most of us want that. So what l ask of you is to not just remain optimistic about the state of the game, but optimistic in general. Negativity never feels good even if it's directed at something other than yourself. As for KOTAKU, since you are incapable of writing a PROPER article with sources and facts, that actually challenges preconceived notions about an unreleased game to a good enough standard, this is how you do it. For those who care, all sources will be linked below. If you read all of this I am grateful for your attention and I wish you all the best.
College Cash Icon image:
College Float image:
San Francisco Cropped Gameplay Footage:
San Francisco Competition Geometry:
San Francisco Manual Endurance Challenge:
Foundry NPC evidence:
Water Park Stationary NPCs:
LA NPC evidence: