Anyone else get the feeling Taylor really resents her fans?

After the sentiments conveyed in Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me, But Daddy I love Him and I Can Do It With a Broken Heart…I just get a bad taste in my mouth. I feel like she is finally admitting how she truly feels about us.

The bit during the TTPD set where she “dies” and they dress her back up and force her back onstage…she doesn’t want to go but she has to. That one really got me.

Like girl…no one is forcing you to do this. YOU added more shows. YOU released another album. If it’s that horrible for you then just stop doing the most.

It’s okay to talk about the ugly side of fame (Clara Bow) but when you start calling your fans vipers…that is something totally different.

We get that Taylor is a person and has feelings but no one wants to feel like they are a burden or an obligation.


Edit: I am also open to other perspectives/interpretations! I’m all for differing opinions as long as they are communicated respectfully!