Just got hired as a substitute. Was told to send in my Professional Educator Licensure…
I don’t have one. Only a BA and a substitute license. Oops.
Not sure how they hired me without it but perhaps they were desperate and thought they’d hire now and get in the paperwork later.
That’s disappointing.
So I’d have to spend thousands of dollars to get the license in order to make about a dollar more than minimum wage 😭
I’ve got lots of experience working with kids. I’m positive I could do well as a substitute without the licensure.
I think I won’t be able to be a substitute. Not if I make the same money in a job without all the schooling as I would with it. If I had a licensure I would sure hope I’d be a decently paid teacher instead of minimum wage worker. Sure people do this “out of the kindness of their heart” or whatever, but they shouldn’t have to be subjected to hard expensive education for low pay.