Mohela payment reversal?

Mohela is telling me my payment is overdue. It is not, I have proof from my bank that payments have gone out on schedule. I looked at payment history, and it says that after receiving my payment in May, there was a "payment reversal." I didn't authorize this and I did not receive any refunds. After this, they have essentially claimed that I did not pay in May. There has of course been no response to my questions. I did receive the "golden email" on 5/15, so I'm wondering if they started the forgiveness process then stopped it and since nobody's communicating, now it looks like I'm late? I'm so frustrated - this is worse than not getting the email, as now Mohela will probably report this to credit agencies unless I pay double what I owe. Has anybody seen similar in their accounts?

I have reported them to the CFPB and emailed my state ombudsman. I'm so tired and infuriated about all of this. What a backwards country the US is.