Did Sja-Anat know that shallan ____

did Sja-Anat know that shallan was pregnant when she met her in the Ghostblood's hide out? (chapter 26)

Sja Anat had just explained that she knew it was shallan in disguise because she could distinguish between the flame of humans soul's in shadesmar. So she had just pointed out that she is very skilled at distinguishing subtly in humans souls.

and then she said:

"If there is room for my children, there will be room for yours".

Which on first read just sounds like she is saying "there will be room for humanities children". But we now know that shallan was pregnant and the last time she and adolin had sex ("NO MATING") was just a few days earlier. Is it possible that Sja Anat noticed that shallan's soul was presenting in shadesmar with a second tiny soul.