Jotaro vs Diavolo

I'm a bit in a pickle here, who would win in this situation ? Jotaro will stop time, but could diavolo just skip the time he stopped ? I think stopping time is stronger, since you escape the space-time world/dimension and the duration of this state is equivalent of for example 5 seconds to the user, doesn't mean jotaro stopped for time for 5 seconds, means that he stopped time for a period thag feels like 5 seconds, I think that makes sense. Therefor diavolo can't skip time that is stopped 🧐 As I understand king crimson gives a vision of the future to diavolo, then he skips 10 seconds where he can see the actions and attacks and dodge them, and for his opposition the time skipped means that the consequence of their attack happened, not THE attack. I can't see how he can beat jotaro when he can literally stop time itself !!! Any experts on time and stuff please give us your view cuz this is confusing the absolute life of me 🤣