Stl drivers are disgusting.

I know yall currently like to blame modot, but the crashes that happened these past few days are not because of modot. The drivers in stl are inconsiderate and fucking disgusting. I remember when i attempted to drive to work on 1/10 after the snow storm, and the amount of drivers who were SPEEDING, and hunking at me for driving with precaution was abysmal. People speed, they cut you off, they dont drive with safety in mind. They drive as if they have a death wish. Police really need to start in forcing safe driving because its getting out of hand.

I know yall currently like to blame modot, but the crashes that happened these past few days are not because of modot. The drivers in stl are inconsiderate and fucking disgusting. I remember when i attempted to drive to work on 1/10 after the snow storm, and the amount of drivers who were SPEEDING, and hunking at me for driving with precaution was abysmal. People speed, they cut you off, they dont drive with safety in mind. They drive as if they have a death wish. Police really need to start in forcing safe driving because its getting out of hand.