Game Admin self-donating thousand of gems to pull big epics!
Only 1200 songs and all these epics and shiny badges? With how the game mechanics work…IS IMPOSSIBLE.
Lately I have heard of people glitching the API to force an epic to drop (jismo and Charlie were trying to do weeknd, after the DMs leaked podair “banned”…then unbanned Charlie)
So @dreeblisa and @aymd (source of the DMs) asked shin_imaizumi (user above), HOW?!?!? He claims to be a semi-admin self donating gems to open the gem boxes!
I personally doubt you can get those streak of crazy epics even with gem box but either way…your holy grails could be pulled by game admins who donate themselves 10k, 50k, 100k gems while you no life a week to get 100k and buy a shiny lmao. Game keeps getting more messed up.