Coming out of lifelong dissociation is he'll.. please help 🙏
Guys, I am 44m, heavily traumatized since birth, was dissociated my whole life without ever know, cause I never was in my body so I didn't knew... 15y ago I crashed after a horror trip from shrooms. Then my healing journey began. I work since almost 1 year with an SE Practitioner and started to come out of dissociation and it's HELL. I am full of fear and anxiety, my brain is racing, I developed some kind of ocd, I am hyperaware of my thoughts and my surroundings, and I don't know who I am anymore... I wish I never started the healing process, but now I can't go back... Please guys help me, DAE go or went through this? How can I survive this without go complete insane... Pray for me...
Edit: Wow guys, thank you so much for all your answers, I appreciate everyone of them. Thank you, you are true helpers! God bless you all
Thank you again , so so much. I read every single reply and they content so much wisdom. You are a great support, and you show me so much love... I am moved. Thank you all I hope one day I will give tipps to those who need.