I started playing smash ultimate about a month ago.Been told i'm being carried by Kazuya. How is Sephiroth as a main instead?
Tl;DR: How good is Sephiroth in this version of Smash Ultimate? Can he be solo mained. How well does he do against Bowser specifically?
Disclaimer: I am not any good at the game ( yet).
So i have started smash roughly a month ago, i have a background in 2d and anime fighters. My main game being Street fighter but i've dabbled in Tekken and a few anime games such as guilty gear ( xrd).
I picked up kazuya because of said background. However, it has come to my attention that no one respects kazuya players. My buddy who has been playing longer than i have and wanted to get me into smash , says i'm being carried by Kazuya as iv'e caught up to him in skill level. Additionally, at locals and such people HATE kazuya. Note the people at locals are really friendly and don't bare no ill will against me , but just hate the character.
So i'm thinking of scapping the last month of kazuya effort and picking a new main that will generate less animosity. I'm looking towards Sephiroth.
I hear that sword characters are meta relavant and i think sephiroth would be interesting to play. So i'm wondering how good Sephiroth is in smash.
Additionally, my buddy mains Bowser. How well does Sephiroth do against Bowser? I want to make sure if i pick new character that he never wins another set on me ( as punishment for saying kazuya carried me ).