[acne] Help, I'll do anything you guys tell me
21f, I've never done anything skincare related at all in my life. I've never worn makeup either, I'm pretty masculine, so I've just never paid attention to those types of things- but I've always wanted to get into at least taking care of my face bro💀 ive looked up every question I could think of and there's just a ton of words I dont get, processes I dont understand, im not sure which one is the best one, y'know.
I need help telling me literally exactly what to do🥲 are there multiple things I'm supposed to buy for my face? Layers to go by? A brand that works best? Ingredients I should avoid?? Idk, but I keep pushing this off cuz it's confusing. I don't have a lot of acne, it's just blemishes that have NEVER gone away since I Don't have anything to prevent it- dry skin, and whatever. Also I get crazy eye bags and idk if skincare could help, but iswtg I'm not going through my youth without doin this✋