Narrative heavy games like God of War, RDR2, Ghost of Tsuchima

I am looking for a new game to buy that 1: has a strong story with a beginning, middle, and end, preferably with not so many branching pathways; 2: features excellent voice acting and motion capture with heavy use of cutscenes as opposed to lore/discovery for exposition. I have enjoyed quite a few other games besides the ones I mentioned in the title, some that I really enjoyed were The Witcher 3, Far cry 5, Assassins Creed Odyssey, all the GTA games and a fair few fps games such as Halo and the newer Wolfensteins. I'd like to find something in third person but first person is ok too. I know I will be told TLOU, I just am not that interested in post apocalypse type stories ATM lol. Also, for the love of God, please don't say Elden Ring.