I have been seeing complaints about the new chaotic raid, I think i know what the people of Eorzea really wanted
Ok i have the solution Yoshi-Pee-Pee could use to fix the chaotic raid and rerelease it. I hear yall, I too get pissed off after waiting 20 minutes for a PF to fill just to watch one person accidently step in doom (What an IDIOT), then leave after that single pull after telling them how much of a dumbass they are in chat.
Heres the answer to our problems, instead of just Cloud of Darkness, they could add a few bosses prior to the fight to warm us up. Im thinking like an Ahriman type of fella, maybe a dragon of some sorts, and my personal dream would be to be able to fight a 3 headed doggy, nothing concrete though im just throwing those out there as options for warm up bosses. Now hear me out, between those warm up bosses, lets put some trash so we can raise everyone in the raids confidence, we dont want people to feel poopy about not being able to perform their job rotations correctly.
Ok now those are just suggestions, but the real fix i think is the CoD fight itself. Why is she even changing the platform after flood of darkness, lets just leave the platform the way it is. Instead of all those doom/aeoro/stored mechanics, can we just have her spawn smaller clouds or something like that in case anyone lost the confidence they built up earlier.
Honestly, what were the devs even thinking making this fight the way it is now, I dont want to actually get better at the game i just want the damn hairstyle and my mount, doesnt Yoshi understand? What do yall think about these revisions?