Marriage SR
Hello brothers!
I've been on my SR journey since October and have felt some really good benefits. My longest streak has been 30 days and now, it seems like my wife won't stop trying to have sex with me. It's fucking insane.
I've tried to retain and not release. Have had some success but have released several times. I even tried having sex with a condom, something I haven't done in AGES. Not proud of that. I was raw-dogging everything. And I STILL came with a condom. It was kind of fucking incredible.
I have had conversations with my wife about it but she is, seemingly, trying to sleep with me more. Almost on succubus energy. I am not going for it anymore. I am kind of pissed off about it. I don't want to release for at least 90 days. And then, after that, I only want to allow myself to release monthly.
I feel insanely different without releasing. Energy is up. Strength in the gym is up. Eye contact better. I actually find myself looking people in the eye hard until THEY look away. I don't know where that came from but I've never been happier. I do enjoy sex. But I don't like my wife trying to take my power.