Piriformis Syndrome success!

So it’s not a fully success story because I still have alot of work to do. But I swear on god I had to share this!

So I have been doing hours and hours of research on piriformis syndrome and how to treat them. I have literally seen chiropractors, Physio, acupuncture and TCM.

What I did find out is that piriformis syndrome is 2 issues. First, the inflammation is caused by the muscle being tight. However the root cause is because of a misalignment of muscles in the body! Also weight management would play a big part. As well as lifestyle.

I got this pain after deadlifting and hurting my erectors muscles quite severely. Then the piriformis was over used. But my erectors muscles after injury were tight and not loosened and also didn’t regain their strength so I continuously had alot of stress on my piriformis plus my spine alignment was bad too.

What I did to heal was firstly I saw a chiropractor who aligned my spine, and also massaged the erectors muscles to loosened them and the exercises I recommend is doing 45 degree hyper extensions, Planks, Bird Dogs and prone press ups. But before the exercises do check with ur chiropractor if ur ready. And for the tight piriformis muscle, normal massages and massage balls could not hit the muscle. So I did acupuncture, which had electrical therapy too, so it quite literally shocked the piriformis muscle and my erectors.

From what I understand you need to develop good inner core strength which will take alot of the load off ur piriformis muscle. But you also need to make sure that ur body is aligned and work the muscles needed. I just quite literally did a minute plank and had my erectors muscle spasm and tighten abit haha since I haven’t done core exercises in forever! And weirdly enough when they spasm from the exercise cuz I haven’t don’t them in a long time. My piriformis pain was gone, and when I curled my neck and spine the pain didn’t come up and didn’t go down my leg.

I recommend seeing a chiropractor who will align ur body and let yk what caused it. And acupuncture to release the deep tension in the piriformis and the weak muscle which caused it. Then do physical therapy for it aka exercise the muscles, not just stretching. Stretching only helps awhile. But exercise will help overall. Just like the success stories I found!

Good luck!