My recovery from sciatica

So i have recovered from sciatica and wanted to share.

My symptoms : The pain started in august 2023 and i think it was probably caused by bad deadlift form.

The pain was not too severe at the beginning. I could not really figure out what was happening because i had never known about this problem. The pain would start in my lower back and travel down my left thigh. And it usually happened when i had been standing or walking for 15-20 minutes. No pain while sitting. And onse it happened it would not go untill i slept. The pain would not be too much at the beginning (about 3/10) and then after about an hour it would increase to (7/10)

Diagnosis: It was diagnosed in november after the MRI results came out. The doctor said that it is not extreme case(6mm disc protrusion) in l4-l5 and very slight protrusion in l5-s1. The doctor suggested me to get physiotherapy before we explore other other options.

treatment: In dec 2023 i came across this youtube vedio from athleanX on some basic exercises to do to releive sciatica. I tried it along with physiotherapy and it did help to some extant. My pain went down from 8/10 in (september 2023) to 4/10 in (december 2023). But after this it would not reduce much. I had constant low intensity pain in my thigh and lower back. Then i travelled to India. There i went to a doctor and showed him my MRI results. He also agreed that the extrusion is enough to cause pain but not enough to go for operation. He asked me to do Traction therapy for 2 weeks daily. I went to his clinic everyday for 2 weeks and had lumbar traction applied to myself for 15 minutes and EMS stimulation for 15 minutes daily. Also he asked me to do complete bedrest for 2 weeks. Initially i was sceptical about this treatment is it was quite opposite to what i known of physical therapy in such situations.

But now i have not had sciatic pain for the last 45 days …and it is such a releif.