When I first started playing Realm of the Mad God around 2012, I was a pretty scummy kid looking for WC tops. I did what any blue star would do: I casually messaged a white star. To my surprise, he responded and agreed to run abysses with me. I locked him and moved on once he logged off.
In real life, I was using my mom’s credit card to buy gold and items from various shady websites. I kept dying and losing everything. In my desperation, I reached out to that white star whose name I still remember.
I decided to fabricate a sob story to gain sympathy from this wealthy stranger. I told him I had a terminally ill brother who got me into the game. Yeah, I know, scummy. I mentioned that his favorite item was acclaim because it matched his “heart rate tubes.”
I kept up this charade for months, maybe even years, updating him on my brother’s condition. During this time, he showered me with items. The web of lies became so intricate that when he invited me to talk on Discord, I couldn’t speak.
Shoutout to that guy. I feel like a real sociopath for doing that. I would name drop him, but I’m not sure if he still plays