Pros and cons of going to a furry con?
Hi, there's a con in my city pretty soon, and I'm thinking whether or not i wanna go to it. Wanted to hear some (unbiased) pros and cons of going to one. I've never gone to one before and frankly I've had really minimal interaction with the furry community so far, so I have some concerns, but given that this kinda opportunity only comes once in a while, let alone one that's in the same city, i wanna give it a thought.
I do have some concerns, and then some positives: (*) i'd be going alone, but I like to think I'm good at making new friends.
(*) I've mostly been just enjoying the art, not interacting with the fandom much. I might like it better that way--the memes can be drawn out, and the occasional drama is annoying, so I prefer to just browse art accounts and appreciate the talent. the art is really good.
(*) a significant part of why i've been avoiding the fandom itself is... (puts a quarter in the "sexualization" jar) the sexualization of everything. Pretty easy to notice that many people in this fandom are very horny, some worse than others. I follow sfw art accounts exclusively to stay away from that kinda thing and I still run into a whole bunch of unnerving horniness, so I can't imagine what it'll be like to go be around the fandom for a day or two. (is it that bad? this is why i'm making this post, lmk how your experience has been.) Oh, I'm saying the following from tales i've heard from straight furs, but it seems that everyone is assumed gay until proven otherwise. along the lines of "no, you're definitely gay!" or "haha, not gay YET". as a straight fur something like that would make me defo uncomfs. Pretty sure there have been a few posts about that on this sub so ill let those speak.
(*) probably won't buy a lot of furry goods, i try and keep this furry thing on the dl, my friends don't know lol.
(++) all that being said, I think the art is genuinely cool, I've heard the people are very nice and kind, and this is a missable sidequest in my life so if i wanna go for 100% completion i should go for it. (once again it is in my city. doesn't get more convenient than that)
any comments/suggestions/advice is appreciated =) thanks