[Offer] Recycling counterfeit Pokemon cards [US to WW]
I'm very excited for this offer! My partner and I collect Pokemon cards, and last year, we got scammed on the purchase of some booster boxes. Thankfully, we got our money back, but we were not requested to return them because they were fake. We faced a bit of a dilemma: what should we do with these cards? Well, we opened them, because ripping fake packs is still fun! Obviously, we didn't want them mixed in with our real collection, it felt wasteful to just toss them, and I didn't want to give them away in case the recipient thought they were real. So they've been sitting in my closet, waiting for the perfect craft project.
So then I thought... trading cards... snail mail cards... Random Acts of Cards... and the lightbulb turned on. Homemade Pokemon greeting cards! If you would like to receive a card made from counterfeit Pokemon cards, follow the directions below:
Be flared (have an envelope next to your name). You become flared when you send a card to someone else, and they tag you in a thank you post.
Comment on this post with a few of your favorite Pokemon and your favorite type. If I don't have any of your favorite Pokemon, I'll make a card themed to your favorite type.
Be willing to post a thank-you when the card arrives (I like to make sure they get to where they're going!).
Send me a message (not chat) with the subject line "Pokemon card offer", and in the message, include your name and mailing address. If you want to be called a different name on the card compared to the name on the envelope, please specify that. If you play the mobile TCG, feel free to mention it, and I can include a few (real) code cards.
I will send cards to the first 10 people who message me. If you're not one of the first 10 but really love Pokemon, go ahead and send your address anyway, and I'll do more if I have enough time and supplies.
I ONLY SEND TO THE PERSON WHO MESSAGES ME. I do not send cards for you to give to friends or family members. If you have a child who loves Pokemon, I will happily write the card to "Dear [name] and family" or "Dear [name] and [child's name]," but I feel super weird just writing a random card to someone who didn't request it themselves. If you want me to include "and family" or "and [child's name]," please mention that in your message.
Looking forward to sharing some Pokemon mail with others who gotta catch 'em all!