[thank you] for the happy mail!

i tried not to pile up mail, but it has happened again D:

u/ilovetravelandmail - i always love receiving mail from you :D i love the stickers and washi you use and your envelopes are always unique! thank you so much for your kindness~ i love the postcard you sent me, i’ve never been to the neuschwanstein castle before, but it seems like straight out of a disney movie haha 

u/competitive_ant1 - thank you for the cool upcycled card! i love the penguin sticker, which reminded me of the pingu cartoon. i hope to visit your country someday soon and taste these hotcakes, it’s really fascinating! 

u/dlnll - thank you for the awesome postcard you sent me! i am visiting your country in two weeks, so i am really excited about that because i always love to go back there~ i also love the cute seal sticker you used!

u/croissantfordinner - thank you so much for this unique letter! i love the how the white pen looks on the red envelope! i always found your country and culture fascinating and it is so beautiful! especially, when my country has a pretty good relationship with yours, so i really really want to visit it soon) i love the red envelopes and it’s tradition, but i’ve never received one until now, so thank you so much!! happy lunar new year!! 

u/eccentric_bee - wow, i love your watercolor pandas postcard so much!! soso beautiful and cute, thank you so much!! i am really happy to receive it and it made my day! i will hang it up on my wall ~

u/sstonkus - ačiū už laišką! nesu dar girdėjus tokio serialo, bet tikrai atrodo įdomiai ~ prieš kelias dienas išėjo ‘pietinia kronikos’ filmas - tikriausiai vienas iš geriausių lietuviškų filmų, dar tokio žmonių susidomėjimo ir sujudimo nesu mačiusi, buvau ir labai patiko - eisiu dar kartą į kino teatrą :D šventės praėjo visai įdomiai, nes pirmą kartą praleidau jas keliaujant, bet keista pagalvojus, kad jau tuoj baigsis sausis :( ačiū dar kartą! 

u/courteouscarrot - thank you so much for the awesome letter and stickers!! i love it so much~ we learnt about the uluru rock in school yeaaars ago and i’ve seen it plenty of times on social media, i’d love to visit it one day, especially during a sunset! 

u/new_brilliant8 - thank you for the pretty card you sent me - i love it! canada has always been a dream country to visit for me, so hopefully one day this will come true *fingers crossed haha* i love the stamps with various landscapes - so pretty!

u/snoohesitations3122 - wow, the stamps are so fascinating! i always love receiving mail from your country ~ i love your card so much, thank you!! it made my day to receive it!

u/carpenterany2254 - i love lighthouses - they’re cool to visit! thank you for the awesome postcard, i love your stickers and the fox stamp - so cute, i wish my country had such beautiful ones!

u/starflier55 - thank you for the beautiful postcard!! i love the washi tape you used and the beautiful forever stamps ~ also your handwriting is really pretty!! it’s so satisfying to read haha.

u/theapenrose006 - thank you for this thoughtful letter - i love it soso much!!! i love the little cards and the vase with flowers - so wholesome! and your letter was fun to read and the snoopy sticker is just a cherry on top - thank you so much, i am really grateful for your letter!