Results of 74wh battery mod for OG Ally

For the people who have done the 74wh battery mod for the OG Ally Z1E, use this space to tell me and others who are interested what have your experience been? Good and Bad.

Specifically I want to know if issues that came up during or after the battery swap. Even if you fixed the problem, would like to know all the potential installation and software issues that may of arisen. Bonus points to those who give us estimates of the battery life they have been getting since doing the mod.

Also if you’re coming to talk about the safety of it and 3d printed trays and such, save that for another thread I don’t really care. My Ally is very DIY right now so I accept any “safety” concerns. Bright side of my experimentation however is assuming the battery is fine and doesn’t bother the ram in any way, I finally found my upgrade.